What Causes Ascension Symptoms?
Those ascension symptoms are believed to be occurring based upon shifts in your energy, your awareness and consciousness. When you are increasing, spiritually, it is assumed that you have increasing energy vibrations that are higher and in closer alignment with higher frequencies. As the physical, emotional and mental bodies of the person adapt to a new energy, this process can cause discomfort.
There are a few factors that are important in afflicting ascension symptoms, such as:
Increase in Vibrational Frequencies: Sometimes, when your vibrational frequency is increased, a physical manifestation may be what you experience such as dizziness, fatigue or body aches.
Negative emotions and unprocessed traumas cause them energy blockages that make ascension process feel like too much for them.
Spiritual Awakening
Your spiritual awareness increases, and your senses might become more prominent, your perceptions may change, and possibly even your daily life.
The symptoms you experience may be different and the process is unique for everybody. Now that we’ve established what these symptoms may be let’s take a deeper look at them.
Physical Ailments and Discomfort
The most frequent ascension symptom is a physical pain syndrome, which can be manifest as:
Many people suffer from frequent headaches (especially head crown) or headaches (migraine). The belief is that this is a sign that the body’s various laity centers are expanding or being activated.
Fatigue or Exhaustion: You may be very tired, without getting enough sleep. The body simply might be processing and adjusting to the higher frequencies and energy may be being drawn from physical reserves.
Dizziness or Vertigo
This is dizziness caused by your body when you raise its vibrational frequency, so you feel like you losing your footing, and becoming ungrounded.
Increased energy flow can affect the situation where you start messing with your stomach or intestines by feeling bloated, or with nausea, or with appetite.
Body Aches And Pains: A few symptoms reported by some people include joint, muscle, or spinal pain. These shifts could be a physical manifestation of the energetic ones.
Emotional Roller Coasters
Emotions may be stirred up that may feel overwhelming or unpredictable. It’s not uncommon to experience:
Sudden instances or emotion: You can have an angry, sad or happy outburst out of blue without trigger.
Heightened Sensitivity: As such, you may discover you are hypersensitive to the feelings of others, or that you empathy with strangers in a very intense way.
Cry For No Reason
An overwhelming release of old emotions and things from your past allows you to let go and get rid of things that had been holding you back.
In The Mood: You will be euphoric, feel connected to the universe, then the next moment you could be feeling deep loneliness or sadness. But this emotional flux will be disorienting and often part of the healing and purification process.
Sleep Disturbances and Vivid Dreams
Another common symptom in your ascension process is a change of your sleep patterns. Some individuals may experience:
Insomnia: If your Brain remains active while your Body needs rest, you have a hard time Falling asleep or Staying Asleep. This could have happened because the energies or higher frequencies that your subconscious is processing.
Ascension Dreams can be much more vivid, more meaningful, or more symbolic (i.e. lucid or vivid dreams). Do you have dreams where you feel that they are big spiritual experiences, or there is a hidden meaning towards you?
For others, ascension symptoms present themselves as sleep paralysis / nightmares, as fears, anxieties and unresolved issues come up in the dream world.
Heightened Sensory Perception
The more you expand your consciousness, the more you can sharpen up your senses to feel the following:
Others see Lights, Orbs, or Colored Aura around People or things. This could mean something is moving in the direction of your perception or that your energy is more sensitive.
The hearing is changed
you become more sensitive to some types of sounds (buzzing in the ears, termed tinnitus, is the most common ascension symptoms or start hearing sounds of a specific range or pitch that you haven’t noticed before.
Some experience synesthesia in which the senses blend resulting in sounds are seen as colors or smells or where visual stimuli are heard.
A Feeling of Disconnect or Uncertainty
Ascension may leave you feeling out of sync with reality around you. Symptoms include:
Feeling Distant from Old Life: Embracing Your New Life: You wish to feel less disconnected from aspects of your old life—habits, relationships, routines—that no longer serve you. The detachment can feel disorienting, until it’s sudden.
They are Purposeless or Confused: when older structures dissolve, you may not know where to go or what your next step is.
An increased spiritual awareness may breed a disconnection with material desires causing you to seek more from your life than the superficial.
Energy Surges and Electrical Sensations
Everybody who feels they are in the process of ascension — and many are — report strange sensations in the body such as:
A Feeling of Energy Moving Through the Body: Tingling or buzzing sensations can be a symptom of ascension as floating energy dances your hands and feet, or the crown of the head.
You might experience attacks of electrical shock or surges. This is why there is increased energy flow through your system.
Energetic Shifts: Heat or Cold Waves: Sudden hot flashes or chills that come with the energy shifts.
Increased Intuition or Psychic Awareness
However, as you increase your consciousness, your intuitive abilities can have a heightened sense. This can manifest as:
Sudden realizations or gut feelings that inform your understanding of your spiritual path.
Psychic experiences: You could develop more intimacy with the offbeat world, going more synchronicities, dream visions, or telepathic correspondence.
Having Ascension may cause people to have clearer connection to higher self or guides.
Q1: Are ascension symptoms always physical in nature?
Physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual symptoms are all no. Though fatigue or some aches and pains in the body are most common, many feel emotional shifts and a spiritual awakening.
Q2: Ascension symptoms lasts how long?
There is no timeline on when ascension symptoms will occur. They can last for only several days, or for months. It depends on a person and the level of his spiritual growth.
Q3: Are ascension symptoms similar to those of normal health problems?
Yes, quite a few symptoms of ascension masquerade as typical health woes like headaches, fatigue, or digestive problems. If you are presenting these symptoms, you should ask to see your healthcare professional to make sure it is not due to a physical ailment.
Q4: How do I handle the symptoms of ascension?
Stay in nature and stay grounded.
Prevention of shifts in emotional state can be done with meditation and mindfulness practice.
Therefore stay hydrated and nourish your body with healthy food.
Do activities that will help you be more relaxed like yoga or keeping a journal.
Q5:Can ascension symptoms be a spiritual awakening?
That is right; for many people, spiritual awakening is associated with ascension symptoms because you are moving into higher states of consciousness.
Q6: Ascension symptoms, do they vary from person to person?
Yes, each of our beings undergoes different ascension experience. For a few, the symptoms will be more severe, and in a few, it will only present as subtle changes. How intense and what the symptoms are depend a great deal on one’s personal spiritual journey.
Ascension symptoms are not easy, but they are a natural part of what is happening to you as part of the spiritual awakening process. This lets you know you are growing, dropping old patterns and resonating with higher frequencies. The trip to find comfortable Soul tracking will involve some level of physical discomfort and emotional upheaval, but it will bring about improved spiritual understanding, deeper self awareness and increased connection to the universe.
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